Celebrating our Schoolyard Makeover
It all began with a School Council community dream to replace the kindergarten play structure, and through discussions the council decided it would like to create an outdoor classroom space for our students and the community.
School Council applied and received a PRO grant to build raised garden beds. Ten trees were planted thanks to a City of Ottawa grant and then School Council applied to the Evergreen foundation for an outdoor classroom fund. Thanks to an anonymous donor we were able to build paths and create a natural sitting and learning space in the shade of several trees.
Just as that projected neared completion, we were very fortunate to receive a substantial donation from the CLV group which allowed us to renew our sports field, replace our backstop and create a storage space for some outdoor learning resources. To finish off several years of dedicated hard work by staff and community members, and in memory of Kim Nelson, a past and well loved Principal at Cambridge Community P.S., a “Buddy Bench” was donated by her family.
The students, staff and community that enjoy this space every day would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved and our very generous donors.